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Create table via import

Import table from CSV / Excel / JSON

Accessing import modal

There are two ways to access import modal:

1. From the base dashboard

import data

import from dashboard

2. From the base context menu

import from sidebar

Importing file

To import a file, follow the steps below:

  1. There are two ways to upload source file:
    (a). Upload from local directory: Click 'browse file' or drag and drop file.
    (b). Upload from URL: Specify the URL of the file.
  2. (optional) Advance Settings
  3. Click on Import button.
  4. (optional) Specify the table name. By default, the file name will be used as the table name.
  5. (optional) Select the columns from the CSV to be included in the table. By default, all fields are included.
  6. (optional) Modify the field name. By default, the field name is the same as the column name in the CSV.
  7. Click on Import button to start importing the file.

import data import data

  • Multiple files can be imported at once.
  • Supported file formats: CSV, Excel, JSON
  • Maximum file size: 5 MB
  • All fields are imported by default as Single line text. Field type as required can be changed after file is imported. By default, the first field will be chosen as Display Value.

Advanced Settings

  • Use first record as header: Enabled by default. If selected, the first record in the spreadsheet will be treated as the header record and its contents will be used as field names.
  • Import data: Enabled by default. If selected, all data will be imported; otherwise, only the table will be created.