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Create record

A new record can be added by using the New Record button in the bottom left corner of the grid view. Default behaviour of this button is to add a new empty record at the end of the grid view. Fields for a record can be populated by clicking on the cell and entering the value.

  • An empty record can also be added by using + icon in the last record of the grid view.
  • When on last record, Enter key can be used to add a new empty record to the grid view.


NocoDB also provides convenience of a form to populate fields in a record. To add a new record using a form,

  1. Click on the up-arrow in New Record button; this expands options for adding a new record.
  2. Select New Record - Form option. This will reconfigure default behaviour of New Record button to add a new record using a form.



To revert back to default behaviour of New Record button, click on the up-arrow in New Record button and select New Record - Grid option.

Insert Anywhere

You can insert a new record anywhere in the grid view by using right-click context menu. Click on any record and select from Insert above or Insert below options. A new empty record will be added above or below the selected record.

insert anywhere