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Actions on field

Fields context menuโ€‹

Fields context menu can be accessed by clicking on the dropdown icon (๐Ÿ”ฝ) next to the field name.
Fields context menu


Rename fieldโ€‹

  1. Open the field context menu
  2. Click on Edit option.
  3. Enter new field name as required in the Field Name field.
  4. Click on Save Field button.

Rename field

Change field typeโ€‹

  1. Open the field context menu
  2. Click on Edit option.
  3. Select new field type from the Field Type dropdown.
  4. Click on Save Field button.

Change field type

Change default valueโ€‹

  1. Open the field context menu
  2. Click on Edit option.
  3. Enter new default value in the Default Value field. To disable, click on x icon.
  4. Click on Save Field button.

Change default value

Change field widthโ€‹

To adjust the width of the field, hover over the field edge and drag to adjust the width.

Change field width

Hide fieldโ€‹

  1. Open the field context menu
  2. Click on Hide Field option
  • Hidden fields are not visible in the table view, but will still be accessible for Formulas, Sort, Filter, etc.
  • To un hide a field, use Toolbar > Fields menu
  • Fields can also be marked as hidden from Toolbar > Fields menu

Set as Display valueโ€‹

  1. Open the field context menu
  2. Click on Set as Display Value option.

Refer to Display Value for more details.

Sort Ascendingโ€‹

  1. Open the field context menu
  2. Click on Sort Ascending option.

Sort Descendingโ€‹

  1. Open the field context menu
  2. Click on Sort Descending option.

Duplicate fieldโ€‹

  1. Open the field context menu
  2. Click on Duplicate option.

Duplicated field sans the data will be created with suffix _copy in its name & will be placed to the right of the original field.

Insert after a fieldโ€‹

  1. Open the field context menu
  2. Click on Insert after option.

New field will be created to the right of the original field.

Insert before a fieldโ€‹

  1. Open the field context menu
  2. Click on Insert before option.

New field will be created to the left of the original field.

Delete fieldโ€‹


This action cannot be undone.

To delete a field, follow the steps below:

  1. Open the field context menu by clicking on dropdown icon (๐Ÿ”ฝ) .
  2. Click on Delete.
  3. Confirm the deletion by clicking on Delete Field on the confirmation modal.

Add / edit field descriptionโ€‹

Field description can be added by clicking on the Add Description button on the field creation modal or by clicking on the Edit Description button from the field context menu.

add field description edit field description

Description for a field will be visible as a tooltip when hovering over the info icon next to the field name.

Field description