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Actions on Data sources

Edit Data Source parameters

  • Open Data Sources tab in the Base Settings homepage
  • Click on the data source that you wish to edit
  • Re-configure data source parameters as required. The following parameters can be edited:
    1. Data source name
    2. Database & Schema
    3. Data source access permissions
  • Click on Submit button to save the changes

To change database connection configuration parameters (like host, port, and such) use Edit connection option. Edit connection option is available only for the users with Workspace Creator+ permissions.


Remove data source

Open Data Sources tab in the Base Settings homepage

  1. Click on Actions button (three dots) against the data source that you wish to remove
  2. Select Remove option from the dropdown

datasource unlink

datasource unlink


Removing a data source will not delete the external data source. It will only remove the data source from the current base.

Data source visibility

  • Open Data Sources tab in the Base Settings homepage
  • Toggle radio button listed under Visibility column for the data source that you wish to hide/un-hide

datasource visibility

UI Access Control


UI Access Control is available only in Open-Source version of NocoDB.

Open Data Sources tab in the Base Settings homepage, select the data source that you wish to configure UI ACL for and follow the steps below:

  1. Select UI ACL tab
  2. You can see the list of views & tables available in the data source as rows & roles available as columns. Toggle checkboxes to enable/disable access to tables for specific roles.
  3. Click on Save button to save the changes

ui acl

Audit logs

  • Open Data Sources tab in the Base Settings homepage
  • Click on Default datasource & then
  • Access Audit tab to view the audit logs.



Audit logs are not available for external data source connections.


  • Open Data Sources tab in the Base Settings homepage
  • Select the data source that you wish to access ERD (Relations view) for
  • Click on ERD View tab
