Sample Organization structure:
- 5 Departments, each department has a team name & associated team code
- 5 employees working at different Departments
- Teams has many Employees : relationship has been defined
RollUp AGGREGATION functions supported
- Count
- Minimum
- Maximum
- Average
- Sum
- Count Distinct
- Sum Distinct
- Average Distinct
Now, we can explore how to extract employee count information per team using "ROLLUP" columns
Adding a rollup column
1. Add new column
Click on '+' icon to the left of column headers in Departments table
2. Feed column name
3. Select Column type as 'Rollup'
4. Choose Child Table
Table Employee in our example
5. Choose on Child column
Pick appropriate column for aggreagation
6. Select Aggregate function
Aggregate function will be "count" in our case
7. Click on Save
Column Employee Count
is populated with appropriate information