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Connect to a Data source

To connect to an external data source, follow the steps below:

  1. Access Base context menu by clicking on the Base name in the left sidebar

  2. Select Data Sources tab

  3. Click on + New Data Source button

  4. On the pop-up modal, provide the following details:

    Field NameDescription
    Source NameName for this data source for display on NocoDB UI
    Database TypeType of the data source. Currently, NocoDB supports PostgreSQL & MySQL data sources.
    Host AddressHostname of the data source
    Port NumberPort number of the data source
    UsernameUsername to connect to the database
    PasswordPassword to connect to the database
    DatabaseName of the database to connect to
    Schema nameName of the schema to connect to

4a. Optionally, if the connection required is TLS/MTLS for MITM protection, follow these additional steps below:

  • Click on SSL & Advanced Parameters
  • Select SSL Mode and upload the client certificate, client key, and Root CA files by clicking on the file.

    Note: The entire connection parameters can be viewed in json form by clicking on the "Edit connection JSON" and edited as required by database server type.

    Example: In PostgreSQL when SSL mode set to "Required-Identity," if the server certificate's common name (cname) differs from the actual DNS/IP used for connection, the connection will fail.
    To resolve, add "servername" property with same cname value under the SSL section. Additional details are available at knex configuration options.
  1. Click on Test Database Connection button to verify the connection
  2. Wait for the connection to be verified.
  • After connection is successful, Submit button will be enabled.
  • Click on Submit button to save the data source.

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